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[SCI 논문] Experimental Study on Non-Pulverized Wood Biomass Combustion With a New Three-Way Swirling Combustion Cyclone Combustor
2022 10.12

Experimental Study on Non-Pulverized Wood Biomass Combustion With a New Three-Way Swirling Combustion Cyclone Combustor

by Kangil Choe, Yangho Lee, Soongul Lee, Michael Weedon / Journal of Thermal Science and Engineering Applications, ASME, 2020


An experimental study presents a new innovative cyclone combustor, known as the three-way swirling combustion (TSC), utilizing non-pulverized wood biomass. The study shows that the combustor reached near-complete combustion, as evident in the measurements of CO and NOx emissions, and the excess air ratio. It also demonstrates the unique features of the TSC combustor, which includes an air curtain insulation effect with a high ash removal rate that reduces clinker and slag formation, alongside a chamber that does not need a refractory brick. It compares against conventional combustion technology, such as the stoker and the fluidized bed in terms of the amount of emission gases, maximum temperature, and excessive air ratio. Six geometrical and operational design criteria of the TSC for wood biomass combustion are identified for future work of design optimization. Ultimately, the implementation of the TSC for non-pulverized wood biomass and possibly for other biomass holds great potential for economically and technically beneficial incineration and power generation.

[View all text] https://doi.org/10.1115/1.4044351