Contact info E-mail : info@kinava.com
Tel : +82-2-6925-4166
Address [Headquarter]
7 Heolleung-ro, suit 701-704,
Seoul, 06792, Korea (IKP)
[Bioenergy Center]
325 Sandan-ro, Suite F310, Ansan-si, 15426,
Korea (Lead Smart Square Knowledge Industry Center)
[Canada Branch]
3080 Lincoln Ave. Suite 907
Coquitlam, BC V3B0L9, Canada


ESG Class


ESG Class is a participatory platform where young people can communicate with each other by creating social media contents based on fun and creative ideas about ESG and recycling of the resources.

It is also a community to spread and communicate the importance of ESG to the environment and the necessity of resource recycling for organic waste so that it becomes a culture to all Koreans for the sake of creating a beautiful Korea that Kinava unfolds.